Our Projects

Contracts signed in 2012

• Engineering design services for the project AB-CL-4-Waste Water Treatment Plant Cugir.
Elaborating technical design documentation for construction of Waste Water Treatment Plant Cugir:
- Execution project for mechanical and construction works
Project financed by Sectoral Operational Programme – Environment.

• Design services for the works contact “Works to water supplies of Targoviste city”.
Elaborating technical design documentation (phases: Technological project – equivalent Feasibility study +Technical project and execution project for mechanical works – equivalent with specifications+ detailed design, documentation for getting authorizations and permits) for the following objects within water sources and household of Târgovişte city:
- rehabilitation of caption front (33 wells);
- extension of caption front (3 wells)
- water adduction – reconstruction (5096 m, De 450 mm PE, Q=110 l/s);
- water adduction – reconstruction (5938 m, Dn 600 mm PAFSIN, Q=301 l/s);
- water adduction – relining (4085 m, Dn 600 mm PAFSIN, Q=501 l/s);
- G.A. Dragomireşti Nord: rehabilitation reservoir 1R x 1250 cm;
- G.A. Dragomireşti Sud: rehabilitation reservoir 1R x 300 cm;
- G.A. Priseaca: rehabilitation of chlorination station (335 l/s), rehabilitation reservoir 5000 mc, construction of a reservoir 5000 cm, inside networks and chambers.
Project financed by Sectoral Operational Programme – Environment.

• Waste Water Treatment Plant Alba Iulia – AB-CL2
Elaborating documentations for studies and designing a waste water treatment plant in Alba Iulia (84.000 l.e.)
- Documentations for getting the authorizations DTAC, DTOE, DTAD and Geotechnical report;
- Geotechnical Study
- Works to maintain the operation of the existing wastewater treatment plant (sludge drying platform, supernatant pumping station, pipeline linking existing items and new work proposed items).
- Execution project for mechanical and construction works
Project financed by Sectoral Operational Programme – Environment.

Contracts signed in 2011

• Designing services for the works contract CL4 “Extension and rehabilitation of water treatment plant in conglomerations Roşiori de Vede, Zimnicea and Videle”.
Elaborating studies and design documentation (phases: Technical project – equivalent with Feasibility study + Technical project and Execution project equivalent with specifications + Detailed design, documentation for getting authorizations and permits) for the following objects necessary for Extension and rehabilitation of water treatment plant in conglomerations Roşiori de Vede (Q = 80,8 l/s), Zimnicea (Q = 44,5 l/s) and Videle (Q = 32,1 l/s):
Roşiori de Vede:
- rehabilitation caption front (10 wells);
- construction of clorination plant;
- rehabilitation of the pumping station (341 mc/h);
- improvement of dispatch and laboratory in the existing building;

- rehabilitation caption front (9 wells)
- extension (Re-drilling) of caption front (4 wells);
- construction of raw water adduction (6,2 km);
- construction of reservoirs 2R x 1250 cm;
- construction of chlorination station;
- rehabilitation of pumping station (140cm/h);
- construction of laboratory and dispatch;
- inside networks and chambers.

- rehabilitation caption front (16 wells);
- construction of reservoir 1R x 5000 cm;
- rehabilitation of chlorination station;
- rehabilitation of pumping station (191 cm/h);
- construction of laboratory and dispatch;
- inside networks and chambers.

The execution project was realized only for the conglomerations Videle şi Zimnicea.
Project financed by Sectoral Operational Programme – Environment.

• Designing services and technical assistance for “Rehabilitation and extension of adduction pipes, distribution networks and sewerage network in conglomeration Pitesti LOT1, (Pitesti, Stefanesti) – CL4″
Elaborating studies and design documentation (geotechnical studies and topographical studies, documentation for getting authorizations and permits, documentations for getting the construction permits, technical project, detailed design) technical assistance during the procurement for works contract and technical assistance during the works execution for the construction fo new objects in the water supply system and sewerage from Pitesti and Stefanesti:
- water supply systems (14 km),
- reservoirs (2),
- water pumping stations (3),
- sewerage networks (10 km),
- waste water pumping stations (6).

• Project regarding necessary works on the cased collector in the area of WWTP Glina after being taken over ANB phase II (preparatory works, establishing sizing solutions, structural works, mechanical works, electrical works, Projection intrusion detection systems, calculating the investment value).
Elaborating preliminary project (equivalent with feasibility study and technical expertise) and execution project (equivalent with Technical project, Specifications, detailed design) for achieving a water duct cleaning and deposits from the cassette collector of the WWTP (L = 150 m), which binds the downstream end of the load chamber next to the former line three of treatment with the Dambovita river bed. The construction is provided with closing elements type crosspieces plane gates and rare grid and its purpose its to retain the deposits trained from the wash water, to be removed with heavy machinery. At the access chambers form the cassette to the treatment lines were designed crosspieces, and gates allowing the operator several operations during exploitation and overflow valves for adjusting the lateral overflow rate.
Project financed by ISPA program.

• Feasibility study for “Deferizare and demagnetizing plant in Lunca Corbului commune, Arges county”.
Elaborating feasibility study to expand the existing water system to correct water quality requiring the following additional items: a pumping station with suction tank and treatment plant for a capacity of approx. 6 l / s.

• Technical Assistance for Project Management “Extension and rehabilitation of water and wastewater in Alb county”.
Elaborating tender documentations for the works acquisition and technical assistance during the course of auctions for the construction of three water treatment plants (WTP) and seven waste water treatment plants in Alba county.
CL1: Lot 1 – Wastewater treatment plant Câmpeni (8.000 l.e.);
Lot 2 – Wastewater treatment plant Sebeş (36.000 l.e.);
Lot 3 – Water treatment plant Sebeşel; Water treatment plant Cugir; Water treatment plant Petreşti;
CL2: Wastewater treatment plant Alba-Iulia (84.000 l.e.);
CL3: Wastewater treatment plant Blaj (26.000 l.e.);
CL4: Wastewater treatment plant Cugir (30.000 l.e.);
CL5: Lot 1 – Wastewater treatment plant Aiud (24.000 l.e.);
Lot 2 – Wastewater treatment plant Ocna Mureş (15.000 l.e.).

• Technical Assistance for Project Management “Rehabilitation and modernization of water and wastewater in Braila County”.
Elaborating technical documentation within Red FIDIC (documentation for getting authorization, permits and approvals, Technical Project+ Specifications + Detailed Design) for the following object necessary for extension and rehabilitation of water and sewerage systems form conglomerations Faurei, Însurăţei and Ianca, county Brăila.
- tank construction 2500cm;
- rehabilitation of chlorination station;
- rehabilitation of pumping station (25l/s);
- rehabilitation of drinking water networks (8.211m);
- rehabilitation and extension of sewerage networks (15.472 m);
- construction of two wastewater pumping station (10,8 l/s; 22,8 l/s);
- construction of discharge pipes (7.306 m).

- rehabilitation of caption front (5 wells);
- extension (Re-drilling) of caption front (1 well);
- construction of raw water adduction (1477 m);
- construction of reservoir 2500cm;
- rehabilitation of chlorination station;
- rehabilitation of pumping station (42 l/s);
- rehabilitation of water supply network (7.245 m);
- rehabilitation and extension of sewerage networks (38.729 m);
- construction of one wastewater pumping station (11 l/s);
- construction of discharge pipes (1.691 m).

- tank construction 2500cm;
- rehabilitation of chlorination station;
- rehabilitation of pumping station (46,2 l/s);
- rehabilitation and water supply networks (12.098 m);
- rehabilitation and extension of sewerage networks (19.353 m);
- construction of one wastewater pumping station (26,4 l/s; 50,1 l/s);
- construction of discharge pipes (23.977 m).
Project financed by Sectoral Operational Programme – Environment

• Updated feasibility study for “Rehabilitation and extension of adduction pipes, distribution networks and sewerage network in conglomeration Pitesti LOT1, (Pitesti, Stefanesti) – CL4.
Elaborating the feasibility study for upgrading the necessary studies and necessary budgets for construction of new objects within water supply and sewerage system in Pitesti and Stafanesti.

• Project regarding the discharge of Dambovita case, civil works, (structures and earthworks) roads and platforms, fencing, expertise (including laboratory) hollow accesses.

Contracts signed in 2010

• “Expansion and rehabilitation of wastewater treatment plant in Calarasi clutter”
Provision of necessary activities for Expansion and rehabilitation of wastewater treatment plant in Calarasi:
• elaborating documentations for getting up permits and authorizations;
• verifying technological projects in compliance with the Romania laws;
• elaborating detailed design for construction works (arhitecture, structures from reinforced concrete, methalical structures, earthworks) for the following objects:
 inlet chamber, grate building and tricking filtre;
 desander and grease collector;
 new elementary decantation tanks;
 activated sludge tank (including distribution chamber, evacuation chamber and blower station);
 secondary decantation tanks;
 pumping station for recirculated sludge;
 sampling unit;
 mixing and sludge thickeners tanks;
 sludge fermentation tanks;
 pumping stations;
 sludge storchouse;
 machineri building;
 administrative building and gate cabin;
• elaborating detailed design for efluent pipe and outlet;
• elaborating As-built designs for the construction works, efluent pipe and outlet;
• verifying operating manuals for compliance with the Romania laws.
Project financed by Sectoral Operational Programme – Environment

• “Design work load in the upstream chambers Bucharest WWTP”
Elaborating Preliminary Project (equivalent with feasibility study and technical expertise) and Execution Design (equivalent with technical project, specifications and detailed design) for outlet canal wash water and deposits from the collecting box of the treatment plant (L = 150 m), which to connect the downstream end of the room charge next with the former line 3 treatment with the riverbed Dambovita. The designed construction is provided with closing elements type box dam and level dam and aims when is in service to retain the deposits involved with washing water, which will be evacuated with heavy equipments.
Project financed by ISPA Program.

• “Designing water supply micro system in Commune of Cerașu, Drajna, Bătrâni, Starchiojd and Posești, Prahova county”
Elaborating technical documentation for designing at phases feasibility study, technical project and detalied design including documentations for getting up permits and authorization for construction, for the objects that ensure the transmission and storage capacity required for the five Communes in Prahova county:
- 6 storage reservoirs (V = 300, 500 mc);
- 3 pumping station for drinking water;
- 46 km of main pipe.

• “Modernization of sewerage networks in Municipality of Urziceni, county of Ialomita”
Elaborating technical documentation for designing (phases PT,CS,DE) for extension and rehabilitation of approx. 1,7 km of sewerage networks in Urziceni city.
Project financed by PHARE Program 2006

• Preliminary geotechnical documentation for investment “Photovoltaic Station”
Elaborating preliminary geotechnical study for building a solar station with an area of approx. 20,000 sqm.

• Preliminary hydrogeological study regarding the groundwater resource surrounding the Fundulea Town, Calarasi county.
Elaborating hidrogeological study for highlighting the current status of capture and the possibility for extension or replacement of the water town caption.

• “Regeneration road and urban infrastructure in Chitila City, Ilfov county”
Elaborating technical documentation for designing at phases Feasibility Study (update) Technical Project, Detailed Design including documentation for getting up the permits an authorization for construction for the designed objects of the new water supply systems and sewerage systems in Rudeni:
- Water supply system:
o caption (1 well: H = 230 m, Q = 5 l/s)
o main pipe (16m),
o distribution network (5,1m) including branch terminals, water plug, chambers;
o reservoir (V = 300 mc),
o pumping station (13,4 l/s) and chlorination (metallic construction: 6 m x 3,45 m x 3 m);
- Sewerage system:
o sewerage system (4,9 km), including chambers;
o pumping station for used waters(3 SPAU: 0,7 l/s; 4,2 l/s; 8,05 l/s);
o delivering under pressure pipe (0,66 km), including chambers;
o treatment plant (1.700 equivalent inhabitants) including discharge pipe in the emissary.

Contracts signed in 2009

• “Extension and rehabilitation of drinking water treatment plant from Calarasi City”
Elaborating topographical study, geotechnical study and technical designs (phases: Technological Project – equivalent with Feasibility Study and Technical Project and Execution project – equivalent with Specifications and detailed design, documentations for getting up permits and authorization) for the following objects necessary for extension and rehabilitation of the treatment plant (debit = 1400 mc/h):
- rehabilitation of the sand filter station and pumping station;
- rehabilitation of the reservoirs (1 x 3000 mc, 2 x 10.000 mc);
- ozone contact basin and ozone production facility;
- station for granular activated carbon filters and dispatcher building and laboratories;
- lamellar decanters;
- mixing thanks for the washing waters;
- pumping station for the clarified water;
- sludge dehydrating station;
- enclosure networks.
Project financed by Sectoral Operational Programme – Environment

• “Extension and rehabilitation of waste water treatment plant in area Giurgiu – Slobozia”
Elaborating Execution project (equivalent CS+DE+ bills of quantities) and Technical Expertise for the designed objects or rehabilitated for the waste water treatment plant Giurgiu (82.400 equivalent inhabitants, Qmax = 1044 mc/h = 290 l/s):
- inlet chamber – new building;
- rare and frequent grates;
- aerated desander, coupled with a grease separator – new building;
- rehabilitation of existing primary decantation tanks;
- activated sludge tank – new building;
- blower station – new building;
- station for preparation – blending reagent for precipitating phosphorus (new building);
- secondary decantation tanks – new building;
- rehabilitation of the exhaust pipe to the outlet and existing discharge pipe;
- rehabilitation of the existing sludge pumping station;
- sludge tanks;
- sludge digestion tanks;
- machines building;
- dehydrated sludge store;
- meter, torch gas and liquefied gas tank;
- co generator block CHP;
- pumping station for the enclosure channeling;
- administrative building;
- supply with drinking water and industrial water;
- gate cabin;
- enclosure improvement (roads and walks sides, vertical systematization, fencing and gates);
Project financed by Sectoral Operational Programme – Environment

• “Construction of the Wastewater Treatment Plant at Braila”
Designing the main collector and additional works in Vidin district, Municipality of Braila .
Elaborating technical documentations for designing, phases Technological Project (equivalent with Feasibility Study and Technical project) and Detailed Project (equivalent with PT and CS) for the following objects necessary for extension and rehabilitation of the treatment plant (Q= 1400mc/h)
- discharge pipe from the pumping station SP0 to the designed treatment plant:2,7 km;
- sewerage box between the existent intersection chamber Germani/Rosiori and the pumping station SP0:1.14km;
- box for discharging the rain water from SP0 to Danube:0,85 km;
- waste water delivery pipe from the treatment plant to Danube:0,9km.
Project financed by Program ISPA.

• “Preliminary hydrogeological study of the city’s water supply Budeşti, Calarasi”
Analysis of possibilities of water regarding the characteristics of current source and its extension with a drilling, deep exploitation (H=600 m, Q=15-20 l/s) to ensure a necessary power flow of approx. 20l/s.

• “Rehabilitation and development of water supply system in Suceava city, Measure ISPA 2005/RO/16/P/PE/004-2″
Elaborating project in phase detailed design specialty resistance and architecture for the following works:
1) catchments Berchisesti:
- New operating flag, including chlorination and neutralization station, laboratory, dispatcher, office, locker room
2) Water administration Sfantul Ilie:
- Realization of a flowmeter chamber on the station entrance pipes;
- Realization of storing reservoirs with a capacity of 2 x 10000 mc
- Realization of existing water tower with a capacity of 1000 mc
- Realization of chlorination station coupled with the pumping station
- Realization of a new exploitation flag, including central dispatcher, central laboratory offices and locker rooms
- alleys, enclosure arrangement and fence
3) Water administration Zamca II
- New valve chamber for reservoir no.1 with role of dispatcher and chlorination station
- two new valve chambers
- Enclosure Vertical planning and fence
4) Water administration Zamca I
- Chamber for pressure reduction valve and flowmeter
5) Water administration Burdujeni I
- New pumping station, equipped with 5 pumps
- New exploitation flag, including dispatcher for Water administration Burdujeni I, II si III, workrooms and locker rooms
- alleys and new fence
6) Water administration Burdujeni II
- Structure rehabilitation on the existing reservoirs II A (250 mc) and II B (150 mc)
- Valve chamber at each reservoir
- New distribution chamber at the reservoirs
- New pumping station cupled with chlorination station and workrooms
- alleys, vertical planning and fence
7) Water administration Burdujeni III
- New storage reservoir, rectangular with a volume of
- New construction which can cover the reservoirs valve chamber, pumping station and disinfection station
- Access road, alleys, vertical planning and fence

• “Modernization of water supply and sewerage system in Barrack 1369 Constanta”
Project in (phases SF, DTAC, PT + DE) for modernization of water supply and sewerage system for objects:
1) Terminal branch pipelines L=525 m
2) House water supply plant
2.1) hydromechanics installations and equipments;
- pumping group for domestic consumptionand interior fire compound of 2 centrifugal pumps with horizontal ax
- pumping group for exterior fire compound of 3 centrifugal pumps with horizontal ax
2.2) installations and electrical equipment and automation;
- force instalations
- Mounting boards and cables for signaling and automation
- verifying and rehabilitation of the earthing installation
3) Storage reservoir – aerial reservoir, with a volume of 300mc
4) Water supply distribution network – annular network with L=1745 m
5) Sewerage network – realized from PVC L=1357 m
6) Storm sewer network – realized from PVC L=1417 m

• “Rehabilitation of F1-F10 filters from the water plant Budeasa – Phase DALI.”
Project (phase DALI + Report of expertise) for Rehabilitation of F1-F10 filters from the water plant Budeasa for the following objects:
1) Technological works:
- replacing quartz sand;
- replacing drainage system;
- replacing blast air system;
- replacing pipeline evacuation, excess and charge clarified water;
- mounting ultrasonic pressure cell for filter blocking-up.
2) Constuction works:
- dissembling all the crib plates,
- retrofit works for cradle from filtering tubes,
- interspaces for windows and ventilation,
- Rehabilitation works for the leakage.
3) Automation and electric works:
- Distribution and feeding board for each Automation board,
- software de aplicaplications for each filter,
- WinCC tubes

• Elaborating 5 independent feasibility studies for the towns Pantelimon-Dobrotesti, Bragadiru-Cornetu, Domnesti-Ciorogarla, Branesti si Cernica from Ilfov county.
Project financed by Operational Programme Environment. Elaborating feasibility study and documentation for getting the necessary permits for extension and rehabilitation of water supply and sewerage systems from 5 towns situated in county of Ilfov, including the following total capacities:
- underground water catchments, 36 puţuri;
- adduction pipeline, L=16051 m;
- chlorination stations, 7 buc.;
- pumping stations, 7 buc.;
- reservoirs, 7 buc.;
- water network distribution, L=185.181 m;
- sewerage network, L=203.655 m;
- waste water pumping stations, 43 pieces.

• “Elaborating 5 feasibility studies for extension and rehabilitation of sewerage and water supply systems for towns: Slobozia, Feteşti, Amara, Ţăndărei, Căzăneşti, county Ialomiţa”
Project financed by Operational Programme Environment. Elaborating feasibility study and documentation for getting the necessary permits for extension and rehabilitation of water supply and sewerage systems from 5 towns situated in county of Ialomita, including the following total capacites:
- adduction pipeline – L= 15.680 m;
- distribution network – L= 40.571 m;
- pumping main from SPAU – L= 17.793 m;
- waste water pumping stations – 18 pieces.;
- sewerage network – L=143.340

• “Sewerage networks modernization in Municipality of Urziceni, county of Ialomita” Elaborating project in phases technical project, bill of quantities, detailed design for extension and rehabilitation of 5968m sewerage networks. Project financed through PHARE 2006 Program

• Detailed design for “Rehabilitation of pumping station Chirita structures and hydro mechanical works”
Detailed design for:
- Structural and functional rehabilitation of the existing pumping station Chirita with the following:
- 2+1 pumps for industrial area, Q=250 l/s, H=30mCA;
- 2+1 pumps reservoirs feeding Sorogari, Q=450 l/s, H=78mCA;
- 2+1 pumps town feeding, Q=300 l/s, H=48mCA;
- New drinking water reservoir from reinforced concrete with V=2500 mc;
- Chambers for discharge adjust at the pumping station;
- Technological networks inside;
- Measures for attenuation the hydraulic impact phenomena in the pumping main ND800 mm from pumping group Sorogari to Sorogari reservoirs.

Contracts signed in 2008

• Food square arrangement in Municipality of Urziceni, county of Ialomita – Feasibility study, technical project, detailed design
- Elaborating topographical study, geotechnical study and design in phases technical project, bill of quantities, detailed design for Food square arrangement in Municipality of Urziceni by modernizing dairy products hall and achievement of a new metallic structure hall for selling vegetables – fruit (40 m x 20 m).

• “Studies on the water supply of some urban and rural areas in counties of Harghita and Dambovita.”
Study elaboration for the project funded by the SOP, regarding the water supply of 12 urban areas in the counties:
- Dâmboviţa: 37 localities, total discharge required of approx. 700 l/s and
- Harghita: 11 localities, total discharge required of approx. 235 l/s;
Were analyzed in terms of quantity and quality the existing captions and were made proposals for new and alternative sources based on natural geological conditions, hydrogeological and hydrological existing in the area and water quality analysis.
• Application for funding under the Regional Operational Program for the project “Technical and management infrastructure and roads for the development of industrial zones in Municipality of Urziceni, county of Ialomita,

• Upgrading water treatment plants (Potable) and industrial wastewater from oil extraction platform Suplacu Barcau.
- Design in phases technical project, bill of quantities, detailed design for construction and installation works in the water treatment plant included in the draft

• “Improvement of the water distribution system and sewerage system in Deva and Hunedoara.”
- Detailed design for: buried valves, valves chamber, works structures at pumping stations, retention basins, sewerage networks, collecting gravity and repression at the pumping stations, health and safety plan from Municipality of Deva and Hunedoara.

• Application for “Sewerage network modernization in Municipality of Urziceni, county of Ialomita” under PHARE program.
- Elaborating financing application: (general area, specific area, economic area), feasibility study, geotechnic study, preparing the documentation for getting the necessary permits.

• “Technical assistance activities during the auction procedure until the signing of the contract and fulfilling the conditions of the standstill” afferent the procedure of open public tender for the contract award “Delegation of public service management of water supply and sewerage in the commune of Chiajna, county of Ilfov”.

• “Extension and modernization of the water supply system and sewerage in the Northern part of Urziceni”.
- Elaborating topographic study, geotechnical study, feasibility study, study of evaluation of the environment impact, documentation for getting the necessary permits, total length of approx. 16 km, from which:
- 3,5 km of water supply network system;
- 12,5 km of sewerage network.

• “Rehabilitation and extension of the water supply system and sewerage in Municipality of Urziceni, county of Ialomita.
- Elaboration of topographical study, geotechnical study and technical project, bill of quantities, detailed design preparing the documentation for getting the necessary permits and the construction authorization forecasted in the town planning certificate for Rehabilitation and extension of the water supply system and sewerage in Municipality of Urziceni, county of Ialomita, with a total length of approx. 46,4 km, from which:
- 25,2 km of water supply network system;
- 21,2 km of sewerage network.

Contracts signed in 2007

• Technical solutions for redesigning “Extension of the water distribution network from the source of Berchisesti in the brought of Burdujeni, Municipality of Suceava.
- technical reports, technical drawings, technical specifications.

• ” Rehabilitation and extension of the water supply system in Galita village, commune of Ostrov, county of Constanta”.
- Technical project, requirements book, detailed design for the objective “rehabilitation and extension of the water supply system: dimension designs, estimate of work to be done, economic estimate, preparing the documentation for getting the necessary permits, technical reports by specialties, requirements books by specialties, bills of quantities, technical drawings, working details, technical specifications.

• “Domestic sewerage system in commune of Dragoslavele, county of Arges”.
Feasibility Study elaboration for the sewerage system in commune of Dragoslavele county of Arges consisting of:
- sewerage network: L=21 km
- waste water pumping stations: 5 Pumpin Stations with flows Q=1,2…25 l/s
- treatment plant: Q=720 mc/day

• “Water supply system modernization in Motca, Pascani town”.
Detailed design, As-Built drawings, operating and maintenance manual for the following objects from the water supply system:
- Caption fronts – rehabilitation (33 exploration wells): re-equipment hydraulic installations
- adduction pipeline Moţca – Paşcani – new (L=43 km, Dn 600 mm, PAFSIN): designing pipeline route including crossing (1 national road, 3 county roads, 2 Industrial railways, 10 valleys);
- dispatching center – rehabilitation;
-Low Pressure Reservoirs – rehabilitation (2 x 1000 mc): structure rehabilitation and plumbing replacement;
- Administrative building – new (17 m x 10 m): 11 rooms + circulation spaces;
- Pumping Station – new : first floor building (6,3 m x 11,6 m) gifted with 4 pumps x 50 l/s, H = 43 m;
- Chlorination station – new: first floor building (4,8 m x 12,6 m) with chlorination instalation (4000 gCl2/h), neutralization installations with cu fire sprinkler, storage (7 m x 2 m) for cylinders (4 cylinders x 500 l);
- Sewerage collector of the household water connection to the city (L=3,63 km, De400 – 500 mm);
- Pipe connections to the reservoirs (L=0,825 km, Dn400 mm, PAFSIN);
- High pressure reservoirs – rehabilitation (1 x 5000 mc, 1 x 2500 mc).

• Preliminary hydrogeologic study for “Water supply system in Dropia village, commune of Tortomanu, county of Calarasi”.
Hydrogeological study to determine the source of water required to supply a town with a dropping rate of 0.5 l / s, resulting in a drilling depth H = 30 m.

• “Services regarding the quality execution work (SAMTID program) in Breaza, Comarnic, Slanic, Mizil, Plopeni, Sinaia networks and Breaza, Comarnic, Slanic, Mizil, Plopeni, Sinaia Azuga treatment plants”, with the topic Participation at the document elaboration for the determined stage, handing establishments, the foundation works hidden or assembly, soil identifications, fills and receptions.

• “Services regarding the quality execution work (SAMTID program) in Azuga, Sinaia, Uralati, Baicoi, Busteni networks”, with the topic Participation at the document elaboration for the determined stage, handing establishments, the foundation works hidden or assembly, soil identifications, fills and receptions.

• “Opportunity study regarding the nitrate remission from the drinking water in commune of Valul lui Traian, county of Constanta”.
Opportunity study regarding the nitrate remission from the drinking water in commune of Valu lui Traian (Q=160,2 mc/h): preliminary analysis of existing data regarding water supply system of the localities; identifying eventual sources of pollution of groundwater abstraction and the necessary measures to reduce or stop these phenomena; identifying possible solutions to reduce nitrates in the existing water source or or finding a new source of water with appropriate quality; preliminary description of the investments for each of the variants identified; technical performance expected to achieve after the proposed investment; environmental implications; estimated total value of the investment; annual operating expenses.

• “Opportunity study regarding the nitrate remission from the drinking water in commune of Albesti, county of Constanta”.
Opportunity study regarding the nitrate remission from the drinking water in commune of Albeşti (Q=19,7 mc/h): preliminary analysis of existing data regarding water supply system of the localities; identifying eventual sources of pollution of groundwater abstraction and the necessary measures to reduce or stop these phenomena; identifying possible solutions to reduce nitrates in the existing water source or or finding a new source of water with appropriate quality; preliminary description of the investments for each of the variants identified; technical performance expected to achieve after the proposed investment; environmental implications; estimated total value of the investment; annual operating expenses.

• “Opportunity study regarding the nitrate remission from the drinking water in commune of Ostrov (Buceag, Esechioi), county of Constanta”.
Opportunity study regarding the nitrate remission from the drinking water in commune of Ostrov (Q=31,6 mc/h), Bugeac (Q=4,36 mc/h) şi Esechioi (Q=4,68 mc/h): preliminary analysis of existing data regarding water supply system of the localities; identifying eventual sources of pollution of groundwater abstraction and the necessary measures to reduce or stop these phenomena; identifying possible solutions to reduce nitrates in the existing water source or or finding a new source of water with appropriate quality; preliminary description of the investments for each of the variants identified; technical performance expected to achieve after the proposed investment; environmental implications; estimated total value of the investment; annual operating expenses.

• Feasibility study review regarding the “implementation and operation systems supply drinking water and sewerage treatment of wastewater in county of Ilfov”.

• “Measurements debit account, optimum operating parameters to the water wells of the Otopeni town and riffler drillings for water supply in the area of the Otopeni town”.
Measurments and calculation of the optimal operating parameters on the water wells of the Otopeni town.

• Preparing the technical documentation for the hydromechanical equipment works at the investment objective “Rehabilitation of water treatment plant Budeasa, basins, pumping stations and wells.”
- Detailed design technical reports, technical drawings, technical specifications for pumping statin from water supply system in Pitesti city:
- calculation of fugitive for refurbishing pipelines from Pumping Station Budeasa:
- pipeline group for Northern industrial zone: L=1,7 km (ND 600 mm), L=1,7 km (ND 800 mm)
- pipeline group for Pitesti city: L=7,28 km (Dn 1000 mm), L=7,2 km (ND 1000/800 mm), L=7,2 km (ND 800 mm)
- detailed design for rehabilitation of pumping/ re-pumping stations:
- Pumping Station Budeasa: 1+1 pumps (Q=1400 mc/h), 3+2 pumps (Q=1000 mc/h)
- Pumping Station ZIN: 2+1 pumps (Q=500 mc/h),
- Pumping Station Schitul: 1+1 pumps (Q=600 mc/h),
- Pumping Station Smeura: 1+1 pumps (Q=1100 mc/h)
- Pumping Station Razboieni 1: 2+1 pumps (Q=1000 mc/h),
- Pumping Station Razboieni 2: 1+1 pumps (Q=800 mc/h), 1+1 pumps (Q=500 mc/h), 1+1 pumps (Q=100 mc/h), 1+1 pumps (Q=500 mc/h)

• “Infrastructure works at the residential complex situated in commune of 1 Decembrie, county of Ilfov”.
- Technical project, requirements book, detailed designs for the sewerage networks: technical reports by specialties, bills of quantities, technical drawings, working details, technical specifications.

• “Drinking water network rehabilitation in Mihai Viteazu street and Gh. Lazar street (Traian, Plopului, Calomfirului) Municipality of Urziceni, county of Ialomita.
- Technical project, requirements book, detailed designs for the sewerage networks: technical reports by specialties, bills of quantities, technical drawings, working details, technical specifications.

• “Sewage wastewater in Calea Bucuresti, Municipality of Urziceni, county of Ialomita”.
- Technical project, requirements book, detailed designs for the sewerage networks: technical reports by specialties, bills of quantities, technical drawings, working details, technical specifications.

• “Improvement in household water evacuation perimeter assemblies housing, first floor, Calea Bucuresti, Bl. R1, R2, R3, F3″.
- Technical project, requirements book, detailed designs for the sewerage networks: technical reports by specialties, bills of quantities, technical drawings, working details, technical specifications.

• “Delegation of public service management of water supply and sewerage in the commune of Chiajna, county of Ilfov.
- Establish the opportunity study and requirement book.
- Management of public services for water supply and sewerage through concession in the commune of Chiajna, county of Ilfov”.

• Financing application under PHARE 2005 program for the investment “Economic and Social cohesion – Private sectors grants scheme for the preparation of prospects in the field of environment management”, with the topic “Environmental platforms for the collection and management to manure and reusable materials” in the commune of Manasia.

- Elaborating financing application: general area, specific area, economic area.

• Financing application under PHARE 2005 program for the investment “Economic and Social cohesion – Private sectors grants scheme for the preparation of prospects in the field of environment management”, with the topic “Extension and modernization of water supply system and sewerage in the Northern part of Urziceni town”.
- Elaborating financing application: general area, specific area, economic area.

• Financing application under PHARE 2005 program for the investment “Economic and Social cohesion – Private sectors grants scheme for the preparation of prospects in the field of environment management”, with the topic “construction of new elements of public infrastructure, whose role is to provide protection against floods” in the commune of Runcu, county of Dambovita.

- Elaborating financing application: general area, specific area, economic area.

• Financing application under PHARE 2005 program for the investment “Economic and Social cohesion – Private sectors grants scheme for the preparation of prospects in the field of environment management”, with the topic “Environmental platforms for the collection and management to manure and reusable materials” in the commune of Ulmeni, county of Calarasi.
- Elaborating financing application: general area, specific area, economic area.

• Financing application under PHARE 2005 program for the investment “Economic and Social cohesion – Private sectors grants scheme for the preparation of prospects in the field of environment management”, with the topic “Modernization and extension of sewerage system” in commune of Cornetu, county of Ilfov.
- Elaborating financing application: general area, specific area, economic area.

• Financing application under PHARE 2005 program for the investment “Economic and Social cohesion – Private sectors grants scheme for the preparation of prospects in the field of environment management”, with the topic “Extension of sewerage system in the commune of Valea Mare, county of Dambovita.
- Elaborating financing application: general area, specific area, economic area.

• “Building rural rooming house in commune of Runcu, county of Dambovita” under SAPARD Program
Design in phases technical project, bill of quantities, detailed design for execution of a rural rooming house: technical memorandum by specialties, the specialties specifications, bill of quantities of works, technical drawings, details of implementation.

• “Building rural rooming house in commune of Buciumeni, county of Dambovita” under SAPARD Program
Design in phases technical project, bill of quantities, detailed design for execution of a rural rooming house: technical memorandum by specialties, the specialties specifications, bill of quantities of works, technical drawings, details of implementation.

Contracts signed in 2006

• “Proiectare drum D.C. 240 Trafic greu” municipiul Urziceni, judeţul Ialomiţa
Design in phases technical project, bill of quantities, detailed design for road modernization DC240 în o take over the heavy traffic:
- rehabilitation of road DC 240: L=1,7 km
- bridge realization over Cotorca Valley: L=60 m
- bridge rehabilitation over channel rectification: L=16 m.

• “Rehabilitation of water supply system in towns: Călăraşi, Olteniţa şi Lehliu Gară”
Detailed design for water supply systems in towns Călăraşi, Olteniţa şi Lehliu Gară (85 km) and for rehabilitation of pumping stations and chlorination stations from the treatment plants related to the aforementioned towns.

• “Study to identify sources of water infiltration at the villa 10– Snagov and analysis of possible remedies”

Hydrogeologis study and solution study to identify sources of water infiltration at the villa 10 – Snagov şi and analysis of possible remedies.

• “Modernization and extension of water supply system in Dragoslavele, Arges county Government Ordinance 7.
Elaboration of Topographical Study, Geotechnic study and project on phases technical project, bill of quantites, detailed design for water supply system in Dragoslavele, Arges county (Q=6,2 l/s), with the following objects:
- drinage catchment (new): Q=4 l/s
- adduction (new): L=0,65 km
- existent constructions (redevelopment): quieting chamber, sand clearing basin
- basin (new): V=340 mc
- basin (rehabilitation): V=100 mc
- operating group (new)
- chlorination station (new)
- emptying basin
- inside networks
- inside set up
- distribution networks: 19,4 km.

• “Design services for: – Feasibility Study update Actualizare studiu de fezabilitate system increasing for water supply system in Oltenita town
- Feasibility Study for “Extension and rehabilitation of sewerage network in the North and South area of Oltenita town
Rehabilitation of water supply system in Oltenita town”

Feasibility Study elaboration for:
- water supply system: intake – 4 drillings x H=450 m/drilling x Q=35 l/s/well, adduction
- sewerage system: sewerage collectors: L=4,45 km (De 110…280 mm), waste water pumping station: 2+1 pumps (Q=46 mc/h/pump), discharge pipe L=2,1 km
- water supply system: drinking water networks

• “Rehabilitation and Modernization of the Water Supply System of the Town of Scornicesti, County of Olt” – Hydrogeologic study, field measurements, data processing and results interpretation for determining the best operation characteristics of the present water source of the town of Scornicesti, county of Olt

• Designing services and works execution for the investment objective “Town Planning Works in the Residential Assembly of Sos. Straulesti no.58-60″.
Project development phases technical project, bill of quantities, detailed design for water supply networks in the Residential Assembly of Sos. Straulesti no.58-60:
- sewerage networks: L=0,71 km (Dn 250 mm)
- waste Water Pumping Station: 1+1 pumps (Q=8,8 l/s/pump), discharge pipes L=0,3 km, of 110 mm
- storm water sewerage network: L=0,91 km, De 315…500 mm
- oil separator: Qn=80 l/s
- evacuation in Băneasa lake
- drinking water supply network: L=1,3 km.

• “Feasibility Study Regarding the Optimizing of the Industrial Water and Sewerage Networks of ALRO” containing the analysis of two variants: “Rehabilitation of the Industrial Water System for Its Operation in a Centralized System, with a Very High Water Recovery Percentage” and “System Rehabilitation with the Networks Reconfiguration Based on the Decentralization of the Used Water Recovery by Treatment and Recirculation at the Level of Groups of Users”.

• Hydrogeologic Study for water supply of the investment objective “Training and Agreement House of Varciorova”, county of Mehedinti.

• Designing services and works execution for the investment objective “Rehabilitation of the water jet public pumps and public fire hydrants service in the Municipality of Bucharest”.

• “Rehabilitation of the water jet public pumps and public fire hydrants service in the Municipality of Bucharest” – Designing service for the phases PT [Technical Project] and DE [Working Details], for the investment objective.

• “Water Supply Network Rehabilitation, Calea Bucuresti Street, in the town of Urziceni” – Technical Project, Technical Specificatios, Detailed Design phases for the water supply network in the Municipality of Urziceni: technical memorandums by specialties, requirements books by specialties, bills of quantities, technical drawings, working details.

• “Water Supply System Modernization and Extension in the Commune of Dragoslavele, Arges County” – Work elaborated according to the Government Ordinance no.7/19.01.2006, hydrogeologic study and feasibility study included.

• “Documentation for getting the water management authorization” – Documentation for getting the water management authorization, operation and maintenance regulations included, for SC TESATORIILE REUNITE SA, Bucharest.

• “Treatment and Discharge of Wastewaters and Sludge from CET Timisoara Centru” – Feasibility Study.

• “Consulting and Engineering Services for the Drinking Waters and Wastewaters Sector in Romania” – Master Plan for water supply and sewerage systems in the county of Brasov.

• “Consultancy for the execution of the objective “Rain water sewers and discharge openings in the critical zones in the Municipality of Bucharest, in case of special rain events in the 3rd district, Marasesti Passage included”. Supervising during the execution of the works.

• “Consultancy for the execution of the objective “Rain water sewers and discharge openings in the critical zones in the Municipality of Bucharest, in case of special rain events in the 4th district, Berceni Pumping Station included”. Supervising during the execution of the works.

• “Water Supply Network Rehabilitation, Arcului, Primaverii, Plopului, Muncii, Puscasi, Panduri, Capitan Urzica, Rozelor, Trandafirului, Garoafelor and Zambilelor Streets, in the town of Urziceni” – Technical Project, Technical Specificatios, Detailed Design phases for the water supply network in the Municipality of Urziceni: technical memorandums by specialties, requirements books by specialties, bills of quantities, technical drawings, working details.

• “Application for building a rural tourism rooming house according to the 3.4 SAPARD measure – commune of Runcu, county of Dambovita”. Elaborating the financing application: general section, specific section, economic section (budget, financial plan, estimates, incomes and expenses forecast, cash flow, financial indicators), elaborating the documentation for permits getting, feasibility study.

• “Application for building a rural tourism rooming house according to the 3.4 SAPARD measure – commune of Buciumeni, county of Dambovita”. Elaborating the financing application: general section, specific section, economic section (budget, financial plan, estimates, incomes and expenses forecast, cash flow, financial indicators), elaborating the documentation for permits getting, feasibility study.

• “Application for building a rural tourism rooming house according to the 3.4 SAPARD measure – commune of Moroeni, county of Dambovita”. Elaborating the financing application: general section, specific section, economic section (budget, financial plan, estimates, incomes and expenses forecast, cash flow, financial indicators), elaborating the documentation for permits getting, feasibility study.

• “Water Supply System Rehabilitation in the towns of: Azuga, Breaza, Busteni, Comarnic, Sinaia” – Technical assistance in implementing a project financed by SAMTID program.

• “Public private partnership project regarding the implementation of drinking water supply and wastewater sewerage systems in the county of Ilfov” – Updating the pre-feasibility study and elaborating the feasibility study for initiating the public private partnership project and technical assistance during the negotiations for the contract signing.

• “Building the rural tourism rooming house “Casa Cristina” according to the 3.4 SAPARD measure – commune of Moroeni, county of Dambovita”. Elaborating the financing application: general section, specific section, economic section (budget, financial plan, estimates, incomes and expenses forecast, cash flow, financial indicators), elaborating the documentation for permits getting, feasibility study.

• “Level II environment balance for the Local Council of the Municipality of Slatina” – updating level II environment balance for the present domestic and street refuse heap of the Municipality of Slatina.

• “Water Supply System Rehabilitation in the towns of: Azuga, Baicoi, Breaza, Busteni, Comarnic, Mizil, Plopeni, Sinaia, Slanic si Urlati” – Working details for the hydromechanical installations and civil engineering, sanitary and ventilation installations works for water networks, water treatment and chlorination plants, the “As-Built” drawings, operation and maintenance manuals according to the Technical Specifications for all the works subject to the execution contract entered between the Beneficiary (MIE) and the association SC ARCOM SA – ERG TERMROM.